I hate SBC! Or the artist formerly known as Pacific Bell. I much prefer cable internet over DSL as the speeds are often much faster for what you pay. However, when I moved into this building, Comcrack had not yet wired it for high speed internet. I was left w/SBC or nothing.

Apparently, because SBC contracts out for DSL, even though the bill has their name on it, I have different billing cycles for my phone and DSL servcie. This creates a problem in that one month I get billed for just my phone line and the next I get billed for my phone line and 2 months worth of DSL. It’s not breaking me but it is annoying. I call today to try and resolve the issue and I’m given lip service by both sides (after being on hold for a whopping 16 minutes) about how they can’t change my contract, blah blah blah.

Were it not for my investment in books, tuition, etc for school, I’d pay the termination fee and switch today. However, reason has overriden my anger to strangle the life out of my phone.

OY! I feel better now.

3 thoughts on “Die SBC DIE!”

  1. Isn’t it amazing how EVERYTHING is now coming with an “Early Termination Fee” attached? I flat out refuse to deal with any company that charges one now, after once being locked into a year long contract with Earthlink. They might as well call it what it is: you’re our butt-slave for x-number of months. If you back out, we screw you anyway!

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