It’s been a busy week. I have a new trainee at work, on a new shift, recovering from food poisoning, moving furniture, and going to school. OY! I’m tired. I’m normally not a nap person but this week I’ve had to invest in some well deserved naps. I’m waaay behind on my blogroll too.
I’m still adjusting to the new hours at work. Getting up earlier isn’t the problem, going to bed early is. It’s been playing havoc w/my gym schedule as well. I haven’t been consistently in two weeks. Last week was a bust due to my surprise case of food poisoning. (…like getting it is ever planned. I found out two of my classmates got it too. It was definitely the chinese place. Today, I stuck w/Subway.) Needless to say, I’m feeling all limp/flabby this week. Tomorrow I’m back at it and can’t wait. Hopefully, I’ll be feeling all beefy again real soon! Oh and my new trainee is off to a fine start. She is first rotation radio and really picking it up quickly.
Switching subjects, I often speak of Karma and any regular readers know I’m a big believer. I’ve been needing a new entertainment center. The old one, besides being busted, just wasn’t cutting it. I had crap stacked all over the floor. Right when I’m at my moodiest over it, I get a call from my friend Bobby. A distant relative of his is moving into a new house and wants to give one away. Now my first thought, ‘well if it’s free, it’s probably a piece of crap’. Bobby assured me it wasn’t and seemed to think I’d like it. Knowing how persnickity he can be about furniture, I went w/it and was pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be the perfect size for my needs. It’s a light shade of pine which wouldn’t have been my first choice however, beggers can’t be choosers. Considering, I was about ready to plop down $700.00 for a new one from IKEA, it was a blessing. Getting it moved and setup was a whole other story. I’ll skip the details but the ordeal took way longer than it needed too. I also used the opportunity to exchange the DVD recorder I bought a couple weeks ago. It wasn’t working.
School is going really well. I ace’d the quiz today. And, I’m learning a lot very quickly. As I predicted, we lost a few more people. We’re down to about 20 people. Today, we learned how to take “vitals” and it isn’t as easy as the doctor’s make it look. Especially the diastolyc measurement. I had to do mine several times before I got the hang of it. We did a lot of hands on stuff today and I think the whole class got a kick out of it. I can’t wait to learn it all so I can start doing it!