Good Deed

I did my good deed for the day. I’m in the Castro having dinner w/my friend Bobby. Afterwards, as we are leaving, we notice someone had left their car keys dangling in the door to their BMW. Yes, you read it right, a BMW. There they were, clear as day, sitting in the passenger side door. Luckily enough, one of the waiters where we had just finished eating had seen the owner and gave us a good description. So I walked up/down the block, bobbing in/out of store fronts looking for said owner. No one really matching the description was around so I gave up, left a note on the car, and turned the keys over to the same employee who’d seen the driver.

As I’m leaving, I decide to stop into Walgreens to pick up some breath mints. [1]I had the clam chowder As I’m searching for just the right mints to counteract my killer fish breath, a man bumps into me in a bit of a rush. He matched the description and I could tell he was a bit frazzled. I asked him politely if he was alright. You guessed it, he was freaking out because he couldn’t find his car keys. So after asking for a detailed description of the vehicle and where it was parked, I felt safe it was his. I told him what happened and where I’d left the keys. He was so excited he grabbed me in a big bear hug.

I just gave my karma big boost for today!


1 I had the clam chowder