I Got Hit by a Bus Today

Seriously folks, I can’t make this stuff up. I was hit by a Muni bus today. Not seriously obviously as I wouldn’t be here ranting away.

I’m out and about doing some last minute errands and I’m walking across the street behind a Muni bus that is blocking the intersection. (If you’ve ever been to SF, a bus in the middle of the intersection stopped is no real surprise. I think Muni drivers get their licenses’ at Costco) So suddenly the bus starts backing up and BAM! Knocks me down. I wasn’t hurt but the driver wasn’t even gonna stop! Well not till I kicked the shit out of the bus. Then he gets out acting all surprised…. ‘are you ok, do you need an ambulance‘ I’m like, “hell no mother fucker, what I do need is for you to pay attention![1]The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry So, he offers to radio in for an inspector and I’m like, “Look, I’m fine, you just need to pay a bit more attention to where the hell you are driving.

And its just now noon! God knows what the rest of the day holds in store for me! *giggle*


1 The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry